Stackii: Game Storage & In Game Organizer

Created by Bubba Dawg

A Modular, Stacking Storage & Game Tile System for RPG, Tabletop & Board Gamers

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stackii on Boardgame Co
over 2 years ago – Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 09:53:33 AM

The Wonderful and Amazing Alex Radcliffe of Boardgame Co has featured Stackii on his weekly round up of Kickstarters video.  You can check out the Stackii overview from 2:29.

Thanks Alex for mentioning our little project on your amazing channel, make sure you subscribe to Boardgame Co - one of the finest boardgame channels out there.

Mark & Dav 

Funding Update and Stackii in Action
over 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 07:36:17 PM

Well. we are very nearly at 1000% of our funding goal - thank you all for your support so far.

I received Star Trek: Frontiers yesterday and, being a huge Mage Knight Fan, I had to try it out using Stackii.  As you can see - Stackii works really bloody well.

The game is OK but i still prefer Mage Knight.

Stackii and Star Trek: Frontiers
Stackii trays and Logan card holders
Stackii - versatility to the MAX!

Hope you are all having a great weekend

Mark & Dav ❤️

The Stackii Backerkit Calculator
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 04:59:15 PM

Hi folks.

Just a quick update for you...

To make it easier for you understand how much it will cost you for the various layers in the woods you would like, we've put together a cost calculator. Select the components and layers you would like in the woods of your choice, you will get a good idea of what it will all cost. We've also included a currency converter so you can see what the price looks like in your own part of the world. There's a link on the campaign page and you can also access it directly here:

All the best

Dav & Mark

First Day Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 06:43:30 AM

Hi, Dav here. 

Firstly I woud like to reiterate Mark thank you so much for supporting Stackii, and Bubba Dawg - our new company. We want to bring you the best and innovative gaming products we can and we are so glad Stackii can be the first step in our vision. I'm already getting excited about that first lorry load of timber arriving at our workshops :)

I managed to get this morning off after yesterday's launch (mainly drinking tea and looking at awe insiring miniature painting on Instagam), but now it's back on with the work. Now the Stackii prototypes are all made it's time to get on with the final prototype of Stowii and for Stackii we've started building the BackerKit page which we aim to launch on the 18th March - so plenty of work to do for that. 

Thaks so much for all your comments so far on the campaign - a few things have been mentioned already regarding our campaign that we need to clarify over the next few days, so I just wanted to let you know what we'll be up to...


We've had a few requests for somemore measurements - and in inches! So I'll be getting out my trusty yellow tape measure to work out my mm = inches and I'll be working up some new graphics to show layer depth etc. I'll also add the imperial measurements to the measurements that don't already have them. You should really all take on metric measurements though - theyre soooo much easier! 

The Big Stacker Fastener

There's some confusion about how many free Big Stacker Fasteners you get if you buy larger numbers of layers. For example, if you pledge for 10, do you get 2 free Fasteners? So, I'm going to get my freshly sharpened pencil out and do some calculations to figure this one out. Of course we really want to reward you wonderful people who whole heartedly buy into the Stackii concepty and want lots of layers, so I will ensure you are duly rewarded for you love.

How to pledge

We do have some text on the page that explains how the campaign will work - basically, you pledge here in Kickstarter for £22, that pledge will get you into our BackerKit where you can then select all the layers and wood choices you want with the £22 as your starting credit. We'll try and make this a little more clear on the campaign page though! 

So, thanks again for making Stackii happen – I can't wait to find out what woods and layers you will all be choosing. My favourite timber is Padauk by the way - but please don't let that influence you ;)

All the very best and happy gaming


Amazing guys - We are funded
over 2 years ago – Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 01:15:10 PM

Thanks to everyone making Stackii become a reality. the great news is, we are funded!!

more uodates to come, we just wanted to say THANK YOU

Mark & Dav