Stackii: Game Storage & In Game Organizer

Created by Bubba Dawg

A Modular, Stacking Storage & Game Tile System for RPG, Tabletop & Board Gamers

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A quick Stackii update
5 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 09:34:04 AM

Just wanted to give you all a quick update to let you know that we are continuing to finish up oiling, packing and sending out Stackii pledges. We have two pick ups from Royal Mail scheduled this week, one tomorrow and one on Friday. We then have the next lot of pledges ready to finish up which will likely be picked up next Friday the 16th. 

Many of the components are ready and we are going though each order to work out which ones may have issues that require them to be resanded and oiled or completely re-made, but, things are at least, speeding up as we get through things.

I'd also just also like to confirm that the launch of Stowii on Gamefound isn't slowing up Stackii fulfilment at all - that campaign was pretty much ready to go last October (and didn't launch then because we wanted to get Stackii further down the line first), so not a lot else needed doing on that front. So other than a few days out with cough issues (which doesn't mix well with sanding), every day is a Stackii day. 

We are, of course, as keen to move on from Stackii as I'm sure you all are, but even still, we want to maintain a level of quality that you will be happy with after all this time, and this takes more time than we could have ever imagined.

All the best


Stackii and ongoing shipping
6 months ago – Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 10:43:58 AM

Hey there,

 I wanted to shoot you a quick update on what's been happening on the Stackii front. So, turns out, my estimations on how long things would take didn't quite hit the mark, thanks to my perpetual mix of optimism and a touch of blind ignorance. December definitely didn't quite pan out as hoped – instead of closing up shop, it was a month filled with endless sanding, recutting layers with issues, more sanding, and lacquering.

The good news is, we're making progress with getting the pledges out. A good chunk went out in December, and the next batch is either packaged up or just waiting to be wrapped up. I'm thinking there might be about two more batches to go after this one.

The sanding pile is finally shrinking, and it's a relief to see the pledges going out in a somewhat steady stream. Predicting when they'll all be out is still a bit tricky. As usual there's been unexpected factors throwing a wrench into things (like the CNC machine deciding to be high-maintenance once again and needing to be stripped down three times in December).

Anyway, I didn't want to make any concrete predictions, but I wanted to assure you that the Stackiis are indeed leaving the building, and the end is very much in sight. Thanks for your ongoing patience.


Stackii update - the final stages
7 months ago – Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 03:23:23 AM

Well, completing this project turned out to be a colossal undertaking — far more challenging and time-consuming than I ever imagined. However, I'm pleased to say that this week marks the completion of all Stackii components, well, except for the three wenge dice trays that fell victim to another CNC machine tizzy earlier this week (replacement wenge is being pickup on Monday).

The journey has been a steep learning curve, primarily teaching me never to attempt such a large-scale production solo again! In recent weeks, my focus has been on ensuring the quality of every element, remaking any layers that didn't meet the standards. I decided this was a more efficient approach than juggling multiple tasks to fulfill pledges that were ready. Next week, I'll shift gears back to packaging and coordinating deliveries.

With the final magnets screwed in place, the workshop will be closed until the new year. The completion of Stackii also marks the closure of Bubba Dawg Ltd as I move onto new things. I sincerely apologise for the time it's took to get Stackii completed. When launching any project or company through Kickstarter, you encounter numerous unknown challenges; machinery, people, and health issues to name but a few. My goal has always been to make Stackii something that enhancement for your gaming experience —I hope, after all this, you'll finally all get to enjoy your Stackiis!

Stackii - we're getting there
8 months ago – Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 07:33:44 AM

Hello folks,

appreciate you haven't had an update for a while so thought I better let you know we're still here, finalising Stackii and getting the deliveries out. 

In a bid to get this all wrapped up, I've been working long hours in the workshop and last week, was at a stage where everything that had been cut was finally sanded and oiled. 

There were some that didn't mark the grade which ended up in the 'heat the workshop over the winter' pile and some that were a bit too characterful which will likely be up for sale as seconds. 

From here we've done the calculations, worked out what left to remake etc. We're also waiting on some Goncalo Alves which we've finally found a source for to get the remaining ones in that wood made. We've got about 40 backer's pledges ready to go out - we're just waiting on the magnets to arrive for them which are out of stock at our suppliers but will be here on the 8th(ish).

Hopefully, those of you who have received your Stackiis already are enjoying them and putting them to good gaming use!

All the best


Quick Stackii Update
10 months ago – Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 09:05:10 AM

Hello Everyone.

Just a quick update as I'm aware it's been a few weeks since you heard from me. It's been a bit of a hectic period...

As some of you will know, we have finally started shipping Stackii pledges. So, just wanted to let you all know that it is our aim to get just about all the orders together and sent out in the next 2-3 weeks. 

It's a big ask as usual, with the time it takes to check all the layers and make sure they are all as they should be before packing and shipping, but, the big hours are going to be put in next week to get there. 

The orders are getting sent out in roughly the order the pledges came in, but if I need to remake anything, something isn't quite ready etc, that won't hold up sending orders that are completed. 

Almost there folks – thanks again for your patience...
