Stackii: Game Storage & In Game Organizer

Created by Bubba Dawg

A Modular, Stacking Storage & Game Tile System for RPG, Tabletop & Board Gamers

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Some finished Stackiis ready to go out
12 months ago – Sat, Jul 01, 2023 at 08:28:59 AM

Well it's been a while coming but finally... I have some finished Stackiis ready to package up next week and then they'll be making their way to the backers. This is a tenth of the layers. Things are speeding up though and it's great to see some real visual progress. The next pile are sanded and ready to lacquer next week along with dice trays and Logan card slots. 

Excuse the fingers in the next shot - I think my hopes of being a hand model are in tatters. 

I have a slight problem with magnet fitting in the lids so I've had to replace the screw in magnets with bonded in ones, they should be sorted next week.

With finished Stackiis now leaving the workshop I'll be getting shipments ready for once a week as they get finished. 

All the best


Stackii – Locking delivery addresses
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 08:53:54 AM

Hello folks, very quick Stackii update here...

We have the first half of pledges edging really close to being completed and we should have them all lacquered next week. At this stage we would like to lock the delivery addresses. We will do this through Backerkit and you will get a reminder from them to check that the addresses are still correct. But, if things have changed with you please feel free to log in to Backerkit and amend your address if you need to. 

There are still a few of you from the first batch that haven't let me know which choice of free lids/Big Stacker you would like if you have qualified for them - I'll send a message out to you this week so you can let me know  so we can make sure we have them made and ready to send out 

We'll have some finished Stackii photos for you next week before we start the process of packing them up for sending out. 

All the best, Dav

Stackii - May Update
about 1 year ago – Fri, May 12, 2023 at 09:19:19 AM

Hi folks,

it was quite rightly pointed out in the Kickstarter comments earlier this week that you are really in need of a Stackii update... so, here we are...

It's been a bit of a bummer of a month since our last update, mainly due to good old Covid which my mother-in-law inflicted on me whilst visiting them over Easter. This left us stranded in Scotland until I felt well enough to face the 10 hour drive home. On the positive side, it did give me some time to do some much needed admin, but on the down side - I wasn't making Stackiis.

We then had CNC problems, and after 4 days of head scratching and the realisation we needed a new controller board - thankfully, just before ordering I discovered a loose wire that was causing the issue - 5 minutes later - all was fixed 🤦‍♂️

OK, so that's the whining over... onto more positive news...

One of the big issues I was having was sanding the dishes - they had to be done by hand and after a day's sanding my fingers were literally bleeding, meaning I couldn't much use them for about 3 days! Thankfully, with the help of my fellow woodworking mate Mike, we've found a less painful and quicker power tool solution - my fingers are so happy!

This is the pile of sanding that has got done this week (this is the before sanding stage - don't worry!).

If you were one of the first 30(ish) backers, your dish is in here!

Our aim to to get all of the first batch of all products sanded, ready for lacquering early the week after. We'll then be getting them packaged up and the first lot sent out to you.

After that, all the remaining dishes and trays are cut ready for sanding. Once the first batch are away, we'll get on to the next 30 and then, finally the last 30(ish) backers.

Hopefully my Covid misery is pretty much behind me now, and Boris the CNC machine will keep playing nicely :)

Take care and happy gaming


The Stackii Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 06:56:02 AM

Hello Folks,

just a quick Stackii update for you - and some exciting sanding photos!

OK, they're not that exciting but it makes a change from pictures of Stackiis on the CNC machine right?

We're just about now with all the trays being cut apart from the ones that failed and need recutting. We're now well underway with the trays. I'll send out emails to those of you that haven't made your free lid wood choices yet to give you a nudge to let us know what you would like.

My days are now mainly spend sanding whilst listening to the Monster Fuzz podcast!

We now have all our packaging sorted out and the aim is to start shipping after the Easter break. We'll be sending out in the order pledges were made, probably 20 or so at a time.

We're excited to be getting close to be getting your Stackiis out to you!

The Stackii update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 04:36:23 AM

Hello everyone.

apologies for the lack of updates over the last few weeks, I appreciate that the radio silence is causing some concerns.

It's very tricky trying to estimate how long things will take and the work involve in a new product launch. 

We are moving closer to fulfilling Stackii though. The tricky bit is that we can't easily switch from making one element to another. It's not practical to switch from, say, making the dishes to making the lids to making dice slides. So, I've been focusing on getting as many dish layers made before moving onto trays. The good news is, we now have around 80% of all the dish layers cut and I am currently sanding... a lot of sanding. 

There are far less tray layers to produce and these will be completed soon - we are just waiting on a new timber delivery. 

Last week I was calculating lids - quite a few of you have not completed the Backerkit letting us know which timber choices you would like for these. No worries though, I have made a list of those who haven't got onto letting us know and I'll be in touch directly to ask for the timber choices.

With most of the dish layers and trays cut, I will now be moving on to production of dice trays and lids and of course, lots more sanding!

The packaging has now arrived for all the orders, we've made sure there's no plastic in there.

So appologies once again folks that we are behind with the production schedual, we are getting there I promise!

All the best
