Stackii: Game Storage & In Game Organizer

Created by Bubba Dawg

A Modular, Stacking Storage & Game Tile System for RPG, Tabletop & Board Gamers

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stackii Update - It's May!
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 05, 2022 at 04:07:47 AM

Hi folks 👋

We've been quiet for a few weeks so thought we should give you a little update about the Stackii Kickstarter.

Now that most of you have completed your Pledge Manager surveys we now have pretty much the full picture of what we need to be producing. If you plan on filling out your Backerkit survey and haven't gotten around to it, it would be great if you could have a look when you have a moment so we can add you to the production list - not that we're hassling you, honest! 

If you've lost the link to your Backerkit survey you can recover it here

We'd like to give a massive thanks for your support and belief in Stackii, we've been blown away by your orders and it's been great to see which Stackii layers and accessories you've been choosing. 

So now the time has come for us to get on with production. Firstly we need to tidy and update our workshop to make things that little bit more accurate and to allow us to speed production times up as much as possible. Our CNC machine is getting stripped down and upgraded, we need a couple of new machines and - in an attempt to keep Dav alive for as long as possible - it's time to improve our dust extraction! So that's what we'll be up to over the next few weeks.

We've started ordering materials, and Dav will be (excitedly) visiting the wood yard soon to select timbers.

Alongside getting ready for production we'll be working out the mechanics of asking you for your choices for free lids and Big Stackers, we're working with Backerkit on a brand new feature they are trialling for this - so as soon as we've figured that out with them we'll be in touch. 

We've also got some new things to launch soon including our new premium accessories range with a new online shop and of course Stowii is ongoing and creeping towards its Kickstarter launch.

Thanks once again for your support with Stackii!

All the best and happy gaming

Dav & Mark

Your Stackii 7 day warning!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 11:25:37 AM

Hi folks 👋

We can't wait to get on with the next stage of Stackii's creation - most of you have already filled in your Backkit surveys and it's been great to see which combinations of layers, accessories and woods you've all chosen. 

If you haven't yet gor round to completing the Backerkit survey to choose which Stackii layers and woods you would like, you've got 7 days left before we lock the orders and move on to the nex stage.  So you have until the 19th April!

The next stages

We've got a lot to do to get ready for the manufacture of your Stackii pledges. Firstly it's the big workshop revamp. Things have got a little disorganised there over the last few years, so the time has come to get properly organised. We want to make the manufacturing process as streamlined as possible and we'll be adding a couple of lovely new machines to our arsenal as well as updating dust extraction and revampling the CNC machine. 

Alongside that we'll be calculating the materials we need and Dav will be very excitedly visiting a timber yard or two (he's easily pleased!).

Once Backerkit is locked we'll be working on the system to work out what free lids and/or Big Stacker Fastener woods you would like. 

All the best and happy gaming!

Dav & Mark

Stackii Backerkit - two weeks to go!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 06:20:35 AM

Hello folks 👋 

Just a quick update to let you know that we are half way through the Stackii Backerkit being open and we are aiming to close off orders in two weeks time. Thanks so much to everyone who have filled out the survey so far - it's been great to see what Stackii layers and accessories you've been choosing and we can't wait to get on with making all these Stackiis for you. 

If you haven't got your link to the Backerkit survey just email us and we'll let you know what your link is. 

So far we've been talking to timber suppliers and planning some workshop updates which will make things more accurate and quicker.

All the best

Dav & Mark

The Stackii Pledge Manager
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 09:04:42 AM

Hi there folks!

I'd imagine you all know by now that our Backerkit pledge manager is now open – I know this at getting on for half of you have already completed the survey. So this is just a little message to say, if you haven't got the email with the link to the pledge manager yet, it could well be languishing in your junk folder!

If you can't find the link anywhere, just email us at [email protected] and we'll sort you out.

It's been great to see which Stackii layers and accessories you all want. It's a good mix or all the items so good to know we weren't wasting our time designing them all! It's hard to say what is the most popular wood - possible maple, but we've had a good selection of all the wood options. 

All the best

Dav & Mark

The Stackii Backerkit Survey is just about ready
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 10:19:00 AM

Hi there everyone.

Hope you ar all doing good and the sun is shining like it is today here in Sheffield.

Just a quick update to let you know that we are just about there with our Backerkit Survey, we'll be sending out the test survey to 5% of our backers to check all is OK later on today 🎉   We'll then be getting the rest of the surveys out to you early next week.

We'll be keeping the Backerkit survey open for a month. 

Really looking forward to finding out your Stackii choices and the woods you like.

Happy gaming!

Dav & Mark